Friday, December 30, 2011

Writing Tag☺

Yep I'm doing another one of these tagging thingys ☺
My dear friend Isabel did a tag with a writing theme.
If you participate please answer the questions then tag at least 1 friend notifying them that they have been tagged.
Have fun!
Do you prefer fiction, poems, or non-fiction when you're writing?
Hmm... I'd have to say I like fiction better. xD
How many stories/poems/etc. have you started (whether finished or not)?
LOL I've  probably plotted about 10-15 but I've really only started about 5 or 6 :P haha
How many stories/poems/etc. have you finished?
 I'm pretty sure I've finished 4.
What is your favorite story/poem/etc. that you've written or are in the process of writing?
Lets see, my favorite was probably one of my horse stories.
Who are/is your favorite author(s), and why?
Bryan Davis, because he wrote my favorite series that I'm reading right now.
What are your favorite works by those authors?
Dragons in our midst and Oracles of fire series.
I'm going to tag Em

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tree hunting and horsebackriding ;)

So on the Saturday before last, my family went duh-duh-duh-duhh! CHRISTMAS tree hunting!!! :D It was soo much fun! We went to a place called Camalot Farms in Sandwich area, I HIGHLY recommend it ;) We had a great time!

Here are a few pictures of the day :)
 Grant is too funny :P Yet again he wouldn't smile for me xD
 This is highly edited on Lightroom :P

 The blue one's our tree :))

On our way home from tree hunting :)
 The finished MASTERPIECE! haha jk, but i did think it looked decent :)
heehee.. My dad says I torture my doggie:P I think she likes posing for me!? haha

     Then on this Saturday!!!! THERE WAS A LUNAR ECLIPSE!!!! Not just any lunar eclipse though!!! A FULL 100% lunar eclipse!!!! I was SOOO excited to see it! But... unfortunately for me... I miscalculated the time to 4:30 in the morning... when in reality it was really about 4:45...PM! haha... wow I had to kick myself for that. Buuut thennnn, I was researching the event, and found out the REAL time, and thought back to the night before, when I had babysat, and on the way there I saw this, low to the ground HUGE looking orange moon! And I had marveled at God's greatness to us and giving us such beautiful wonderful things!!! I couldn't believe it! I was so happy to find out I had indeed seen the lunar eclipse!!! God is so good!  Psalm 36:5 "your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies." :))

     Now on this past Monday... Something really awesome happened!!!! Me and my best friend Emily, got a HORSEBACK-RIDING LESSON!!!! O my goodness!!! I had suuuchhh a funnn time!! In the lesson I rode a horse named Royal. She was a beautiful bay color and had a blaze. Her gait was amazing, I just absolutely LOVED riding her{I wanted to take her home with me!}!!! haha  I hope we can go again soon!! :D 

Anywhoo I hope you all have a great day and enjoyed my post.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


 Wow... It's been forEVER since i've blogged! Haha and sorry about the constant changing of my backround :)'s Christmas season, and I needed to put up a new backround :P LOL
Anywhoo, Lately I've been procrastinating a lot... Blehhh For some reason, it seems it takes me forever to get into a routine schedule, and when everything finally is routine, something crazy comes along and messes it up. Ever since i was really young I would make schedules. And ever since i was young i'd follow them for a while and somehow mess it up. But I realized through this, God is teaching me perseverance. “But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” 2 Chronicles 15:7. I know its just a small little thing in my life but it's just something I've realized and thought I'd share. :]
Now what have I been doing of recent... 
Well, on Thanksgiving. As usual my whole family went to my Dads side of the family for a late lunch, we talked and watched a little football, ATE a lot of food :) My Grandpa had put me in charge of his new camera to take a few pictures of the day, so i was doing that part of the time. Then at 4 we left to go to my Mom's side of the family to have a late dinner... And two minutes after we drove out of the driveway, we ran out of gas :P (my moms car has been acting up and the tank read 1/4) So my Grandpa and my uncle Rich came to save us! Then when we arrived at my Aunt and Uncle's house we ate at 7, me and my cousins played rockband and we talked. I am SOOOO thankful for family{i know everyone says it on Thanksgiving, but I think it's absolutely necessary to say :P} we laughed alot I got to see my cousin from Missouri and talked to my aunt on the phone who's in NewMexico. Overall, I'd say it was a pretty good day :)
This past week I haven't really done much. We were supposed to go to MI to my friend Hannah's  and Donna's house. But very unfortunately their Grandpa is now in the hospital. So if yall could pray for him that would be awesome.
And if you noticed.. I now have a page for birthdays (since there seem to be alot that I mention :P hehee) and my family and other things :D So yah check it out ^_^  

I Saw A Child 
  by John Anthony Davies
 I saw a child who couldn't walk,
sit on a horse, laugh and talk.
Then ride it through a field of daisies
and yet he could not walk unaided.
I saw a child, no legs below,
sit on a horse, and make it go
through woods of green
and places he had never been
to sit and stare,
except from a chair.
I saw a child who could only crawl
mount a horse and sit up tall
Put it through degrees of paces
and laugh at the wonder in our faces,
I saw a child born into strife,
Take up and hold the reins of life
and that same child was heard to say,
Thank God for showing me the way.
I saw this poem in a picture of a little boy riding a horse and thought it was a very beautiful :)  

Thursday, November 17, 2011


This is another birthday post... lol My friend Hannah, she turned 15 exactly 1 week ago!!!! 
I actually was able to go and celebrate with her!
Now about hannah...
She's crazy AWESOME funny, always happy (unless your leaving tehe)! 
She LOVE COKE!!! Absolutely will drink the whole liter if you let her:)
She's very nice and she'll always make me feel like i'm right where I need to be :) 
And she's also an adviser.... which you really wouldn't think so unless you know her like i do!
She can make me laugh so hard! Especially when she tries to sing when she's lost her vioce xP
I Hope you had a wonderfully awesome birthday Hannah!
Now here are some pictures haha xD

Samm :]

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Today is my dads birthday! I'm actually have had a really fun time because I decorated! (haha hardly) I threw five balloons around the livingroom and then!!! I put up white (not my choice in color btw) streamers... At the end it looked like i tp-ed the house :P haha well my mom said it looked good :D LOL
My Dad is AWESOME! Happy birthday!!! Here are a few pictures of my him! :D

 My Dad and Grant in 2006

My parents!

Yep... were crazy... :P

 Christmas picture 2002

 LOL My Dad

 Will and my parents 

My parents soon after they were married

 Me and my parents when I was 7

   My Family :)

~Samm :]

Monday, November 7, 2011


The winner of my contest wrote a very cute story about flowers and t-shirts :))

 The T-shirt Printer
By: Jenny Yetter
 “… I oooonce was lost, but now am found twas bliiiind but now, I seeee.”  *click*
As the last stanza of a song finished playing on the radio, Daniel Eder turned off his car and hopped out.
“Hi Mr. Eder!”
 “Good morning!” Mr. Eder smiled and waved at a group of girls as they jogged by.
Lifting a box from his trunk, he carried them into a nearby building titled “Print Shop” and disappeared.

“He sure is up early today!” One of the joggers commented.
“Yeah, I think he’s getting ready for some sort of big event…” Another replied.
“Oh yeah, the Summer Fest!” A third chimed, “He does that every year! I went once… you print t-shirts and then have pizza, snacks and cotton candy- and play games!”
“He prints shirts for everyone?”
“Yep! And it’s free, you don’t have to pay anything! He does do a little ‘sermon’ thing though… but it’s worth it for the games and food and stuff!”
“ Wow! That’s awesome. Mr. Eder is so nice! I think we should go to the summer fest…”
“I’m game. We can all go together!”

The bell over the door sounded. Mr. Eder appeared from a room in the back.
“Hi Cassandra!”  Mr. Eder greeted her with a friendly smile.
“Here are the flowers you ordered.” Cassandra plunked an assorted bucket of flowers on the desk. 
“Thank you! How much do I owe you?”
“$10.00.” The girl glanced curiously around the shop. “So… you’re having some sort of party here tonight?”
“Yes ma’am. We’ll be printing t-shirts, then have dinner, a testimony time and some games.  I’m bringing in all the shirts this morning,” He gestured towards a stack of boxes identical to the one he had just carried in, “And I’m hoping we’ll have a good turnout for the festival. So what are you up to today?”
“Not much… I’m working at the flower shop till this evening.  Then I might go hang out with friends.”
“You should join us tonight,” Mr. Eder said, “And tell your friends they’re welcome to come too!”
“Cool! I’ll think about it…” Cassandra turned towards the door, “Well, I better get back to work.”
“Bye bye now.”

Again the front door rang.
This time, a middle aged Indonesian man entered, carrying several packages of deli food.
“Hello Rajesh!” Mr. Eder reappeared from the back of the store.
“Here are the items your ordered.” Rajesh stiffly handed him the packages.
Mr. Eder smiled cheerfully. “You have a good day!”
Without so much as a nod, the man turned and left the shop.
“Lord,” Mr. Eder breathed a silent prayer, “Rajesh knows I want to witness to him, but he is unwilling to listen.  Soften his heart. Show him his need for you and the saving grace of Jesus.”

Daniel looked at his watch. 3:00. The Kids would be coming in less than an hour.
As he carried boxes of shirts from the front room to the back, the bell over the door sounded yet again.
“Hey Mr. Eder!” Cassandra stepped into the shop, “I got off work so I decided to come over here. I know the fest doesn’t start for another hour but…”
“Great!” Mr. Eder set down the stack of boxes he had been carrying. “I’m glad you can make it!”
“Yeah, me too.”
“So, are you a good girl today?”
“Me?” Cassandra could tell this was a trick question.
“Yes, you. Are you good?”
“Well, yes, I’m good. I did the dishes for my mom this morning!”
“Nope. You’re bad. For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God.”
“Ha! I see what you’re getting at. Yeah, yeah. I’ve heard all that before.”
Mr. Eder let the subject drop. “Ok, I have to run home to pick up some folding chairs for this evening.”
“Oh, ok. Do you need help with anything?”
“Do you see that mud sink over there? If you could hose down these screens,” so saying, he handed Cassandra a stack of nylon printing screens, “That would be a big help.” 
“Cool, I’ll do that now.”

When Mr. Eder got back with the chairs, the first kids were just arriving.  A girl and a boy followed him into the print shop.
“And what brings you here tonight?” Mr. Eder asked them with a twinkle in his eye.
“Hi Mr. Eder!”  The children responded with enthusiasm.
“Now, if you guys could write down your name and what size shirt you wear on this sheet,” Mr. Eder handed the boy a clipboard and pencil, “I’ll go get the cotton candy machine warmed up.”

An half hour later, the print shop was packed with over 30 kids. 

A young boy in a black hoody and black jeans stood off to the side, staring at the floor, saying nothing.
“Who’s that guy over there?” A girl whispered to her friend.
“Who, Him? Oh, that’s Jimmy. He never talks to anyone and he never smiles.  He’s been that way ever since his Dad took off a few years ago.”
At this moment, Mr. Eder strode up to Jimmy and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Hello young man. Welcome to the print shop! What’s your name?”
“Jimmy.” The boy said his name without looking up.
“Well Jimmy, I could use some help with the shirt dryer.” Mr. Eder squatted down to Jimmy’s eye level as he talked, “Would you be up for helping me?”
“Sure…” Jimmy answered with some hesitancy.
Mr. Eder smiled and stared into his eyes without blinking.
“What?” The boy was beginning to wonder if he had done something wrong.
“Why,” Mr. Eder inquired, “aren’t you smiling? If there’s one thing I expect of kids when they’re helping me print shirts, it’s a smile!”
The boy chuckled and his face instantly broke into a broad grin.
“There! That’s what I’m talking about.”

 “Alright kids,” Mr. Eder raised his voice to be heard by everyone, “If you could all come find a seat in the front room, we’re going to start our testimony time.”
The younger children stopped what they were doing and scrambled to find a seat.  The older ones, no quite as eagerly, moved to the front room and sat down.
“Ok.” Mr. Eder said,  “Tonight, I will be giving my personal testimony of my life and how I came to know Jesus Christ as my personal savior.”
He proceeded to recount the story of his life before he knew Christ, and how God changed him.
After he had finished sharing, he made a request.
“If one of your kids doesn’t know Jesus Christ as his personal savior, and you would like to, would you come up here now or talk to me afterwards?”

Cassandra walked forward and addressed Mr. Eder.
“I have always gone to church” she began, “And I obeyed the Bible as well as I could.  I figured as long as I did that, I was a good person and God would let me into heaven.  But today I found myself thinking about what you said earlier.  About how none of us are ‘good’ cuz we’ve all sinned against God.  And after hearing your testimony, I realize that no matter how hard I try, I can’t save myself. So tonight, I would like to ask Jesus into my heart.”
Mr. Eder dismissed the kids, and led Cassandra through prayer for Salvation.  After they had finished, two other kids approached Mr. Eder and asked him to pray with them too.

Several months had passed since the Summer Fest when this notice was printed in the Sunday Obituary: “Daniel E. Eder, Killed last night in an automobile collision. Wake Wednesday night at Little Creek Funeral home.”  

At Mr. Eder’s wake, the building was packed. A line of people spilled out the door of the funeral home and wrapped around the building.

A gorgeous bouquet of flowers was donated by the flower shop.

All the children at the wake wore the same t-shirt.  On the front, was a cross. On the back it read: “The payment for sin is death. But God gives us the free gift of life forever in Christ Jesus our Lord.” 
Everyone recognized the shirts: the ones Mr. Eder always printed for Summer Fest.

There were very few tears at the funeral of Daniel Eder. As a matter of fact, all the children were smiling.
They knew where Mr. Eder was- he was in paradise, in the presence of Jesus!

And they knew where many, many other people were headed- to a place of eternal suffering.

Now they were left to carry on the Legacy of Mr. Eder…
A man who continuously spilled over with the joy of the Lord.
A man who was on fire for God and looked for ever opportunity to spread the gospel. 

On a chair by the casket, sat Rajesh, the stone faced man.
But today, he wept, bitterly.
Cassandra walked up and sat down beside him.
“He was a good man.” Rajesh murmured.
“Yes… Actually no. He was not good.” Cassandra corrected herself and suppressed a smile, “ No-one is good.  We have all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. But God in his mercy sent his Son to die and pay the price for our sin so we could have eternal life.”
“Yes, this is what he always told me. But until now, I have been too proud to listen. But now, I know that he spoke the truth. And I want what he had.”
“Would you like me to pray with you?” Cassandra pulled a small Bible from her purse.
The man nodded.

And so, from one man, many heard the good news of the gospel and came to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

That man was Daniel Eder, God’s humble servant, The T-shirt Printer.

Thanks so much for entering!
I loved them all, it was SOOO hard to choose!
Since I loved them all soo much I'm going to have everyone who entered get a pair of  earrings!
Jenny will choose first! :D
Samm :]

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Heads up!!!

So I  thought I'd give you a heads up!
The writing contest ends tomorrow.(♬duh duh duh duuuuuuhhh ♬)
And so far... I only have one story :P
So please send in your stories tonight! Thanks!
By the way I thought I might show you the prize. If you win you may choose one of these pairs of earrings! (Sorry for the bad pictures!)
 {This one is turquoise with white/clear dangles}
 {They are more of a burgundy red in real life}
{Blue and white/clear swirls}

Now I'd just like to write about life :D
Yesterday I had to go to babysit at Village. 
And almost every week there's 12-14 kids. 
The crazy part about that is, I play with them all, while the lady I work with oversees. 
Buuut I do have to give her credit, she changes the diapers so far! LOL

On Saturday my dad Grant and I went to the sycamore pumpkin fest and had a fun time walking around. I'm kinda sad though because I didn't have a camera with me to take any pictures! 
My camera should be  getting out of the shop in this week!!! 
And I should get my new phone by this next Wednesday!!! 

Today I'm just going to do school all day.. Bleeehhh boring I know. 
But I'm determined to get all my school done early or at least on time this year lol.
Oh rewind again... back to Wednesday. I had a guitar lesson and my guitar teacher thinks I'm doing pretty well. And the best part about it is I just got Christmas music to play on the guitar!!!! Greensleeves and What child is this(which essentially are the same songs), Jingle bell rock, O come O come Immanuel and O Holy night :]
Yep I'm pretty excited!!!
Anywhoo have a great day!
Samm :]
Don't forget to send me your stories!!!
Did you know that Zebras make the sound "munch crunch, munch crunch"?
At least that's what a 4 year old girl told me :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Here's the contest!!!
I'm going to have you each write a short story{anywhere from 3-10 paragraphs}.
Annnndddd the story I will pick best will be the one most representing these pictures.
The story will have to tie both these pictures together.
Then send me your story by email:
Now {drum roll} here are the pictures.


Be creative! 
The contest will be over and I will choose the winner on November 4th.
Oh, I almost forgot the winner will get a choice of 1 pair out of 3 sets of earrings I will make!
Samm :]

Thursday, October 20, 2011


As some of you might have noticed...
it is my 100th. BLOG POST!
Soo I thought I'd start it off with a collage of pictures. My fave from each month :]
I really wanted to do some sort of competition or raffle or something.
But I couldn't think of anything really fun.
So I have decided to let the people reading my blog help me. 
Please comment and tell me all your awesome ideas.
The next post will be about that!
So stay tuned!

Now onto life! 
I've been real busy the past two and a half weeks. 
On October the 6th, me and my mom left for New York for my cousins wedding! 
It was soo much fun, and she had a beautiful ceremony! 
I got back home to IL on the 10th.
On the 15th i went to my friend Hannah's house!
Well technically her olllld house. 
I helped them get all the rest of there stuff out of the old house and bring it to their new one, 3 hours away... :'(
I got back home last night and was very sad to leave. 
But I should hopefully see them on halloween!!!
So i'm very excited about that!
I've done so much more than that in the past couple of weeks but it would take wayyyyy to long to write it all out. So there's the really REALLY short version. LOL
Anywhoo TaTaForNow


Friday, October 14, 2011

I've been tagged!!! :-O

My wonderful friend Allie Hawbaker has tagged me so here goes...

:  If you are tagged, you must answer the following questions, then tag at least one other blogger (up to three).  Notify them by email.  If you really don’t want to, you simply have to put a link on your blog to mine, and explain that you were tagged, but that you are passing this time.

1: What was the first craft that you remember making? 
making an ornament in preschool

2: What is your preferred craft?
  Making Cards or jewelry

3: Who taught you to do that craft?   
My mom helped me with cards and my friend Cherise helped me with jewelry :)
                  4: What was the prettiest thing you’ve ever made
hmm... does a painting count? LOL
5: What was the sloppiest thing you’ve ever made (not including very first tries at something)?
haha ummm a doll dress that i knitted and was supposed to turn out like a doll blanket =P
6: Who are you going to tag, and email to alert them to their tag?

I hope that you have fun with it. :D

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Plowing match, volleyball, soccer and dunes... xD

So I've done quite alot in since the last blog post. 
I feel really bad for not posting either, i have no excuses... 
There was plenty of time in between the stuff i was doing, so i'm sorry :[
Let start with the plowing match. 
Many of you do not know what it is, (Though you should. jk ;])
It is a tiny little towns AHHMAAAAZING fair :D 
They got there name the Plowing match, 
because they actually do have a 'plowing match'. Who knew? :P
Anywhooo, this year was special because we got to bring our bus.
The healthy coffee bus everybody!
 Here tis be a picture.
And so we sold lots of healthy coffee!
It was really fun, me and my dad worked the first day alone, then on Saturday a couple people came to help!
It was definitely a fun time! 
Plus I found out I could enter into the Ladies Craft fair next year! \
(I could have all along, I just didn't know)
And I love there craft fair, so next year should be a blast!

Now onto volley ball! 
I love vb, its one of my favorite sports to play! 
And I'm on the Crossraods team so thats whats bean taking up ALOT of my time on weekdays.
The season is almost over, 
which i'm kind of sad about, 
but kind of happy at the same time, 
because It does  take up so much time, AND energy! LOL

Now this everybody, is my favorite sport!
Even though it is so much more exhausting then volleyball, it is really satisfying to score a goal(because you have worked so hard for it)
<----------------------------(in our awesome soccer uniforms cheyes)
And I've joined the Crossroads first ever fall girls soccer team! 
It takes up my saturday mornings.
Hopefully we get enough girls to actually do the tournament at the end of the season xD

  Now the dunes.
Every year our church goes apple picking in MI, 
so we can go to the warren dunes, 
which are about 25 minutes away from apple picking!
It's always loads of fun. 
This year we climbed a dune, ran down,
walked into the ICE cold Lake Michigan, played ALOT of cards, and played some Frisbee. Then went to the annual dinner at Bob Evens :)

Well that took some time to write :P LOL
Hope you enjoyed it!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

...Belated post...

Guess who's 17th. birthday it was?!?!?
It was my AMAZING friend's birthday!!!
I did not post about it on Wednesday, as i thought it might be fun to have it be belated. 
(and i forgot to do it on thurday, so i decided i'd do it today lol)
It was quite fun. We took lots of pictures, got coffee and muffins/doughnuts from Starbucks, took more pictures, went to the mall, bought an awesome pair of jeans.....that travel...

         Now, about Jenny. ---------------------------------------------->
Jenny is one of my friends that no matter what, can ALWAYS make me laugh! She's so funny! And every time we get together we end up with a new quote to add to a non-existent 'quote book'! *By the way, I totally think we should make one!* LOL
She's what you call a *Watson*, whereas I'm supposedly a *Sherlock* ... She knows what I mean haha.
Well Anywhooo I just wanted to let you ALL know that it was a very AWESOME person's birthday on Wednesday :)
Here's a few pictures from our day of photos, cake, jeans and coffee :P

*~*Yeah were like... Sisters*~*

Here's a couple of funny quotes:
"If things get better with age, then you're approaching magnificent."

"You've logged so many miles in the voyage of life that you've been upgraded to First Class!"

Samm :]

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


      Today was one of the first real fall days!
I was really excited!
Yet there was of course the twinge in the back of my mind...
I started school today too.
School was actually rather interesting and exciting though. But I always LOVE the first couple weeks of school anyways!
It's new material. Its fresh, and i've had all summer to be a couch potato and sleep in. haha yah, not exactly, but I did get to sleep in alot :D
     I love fall because, it's the changing of seasons, the in between stage from summer and winter. I just looovvvee the smell of fall! Its the best! The changing of colors! And of course bringing my winter clothes up out of the basement! The little fair we go to, with the craft show, carnival, and the horse show! I can't wait for the fair!!! This year will also be special because we'll be taking our coffee bus and making lottsss of coffee for people!
   Anyway, I got kind of off track. But you get the picture, I.LOVE.FALL.
Heres a couple of pictures from today C:
                                                                       Samm [: