Yep I'm doing another one of these tagging thingys ☺
My dear friend Isabel did a tag with a writing theme.
If you participate please answer the questions then tag at least 1 friend notifying them that they have been tagged.
Do you prefer fiction, poems, or non-fiction when you're writing?
Hmm... I'd have to say I like fiction better. xD
How many stories/poems/etc. have you started (whether finished or not)?
LOL I've probably plotted about 10-15 but I've really only started about 5 or 6 :P haha
How many stories/poems/etc. have you finished?
I'm pretty sure I've finished 4.
What is your favorite story/poem/etc. that you've written or are in the process of writing?
Lets see, my favorite was probably one of my horse stories.
Who are/is your favorite author(s), and why?
Bryan Davis, because he wrote my favorite series that I'm reading right now.
What are your favorite works by those authors?
Dragons in our midst and Oracles of fire series.