Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 79

Today it rained. 
And rained,
and rained!!!
Our driveway was so flooded we had to wade through,
and walk back to our house! :P
Though it was kinda fun!

Day 78

Isn't she cute!!! 
This little doe came so close to my window before i even realized she was there!!!

Day 77

3rd. PLACE!!!
Illinois Crossroads Crusaders!!
We went to Missouri for Homschool Nationals... 
And as you guessed, we placed 3rd! 
It was SOOO much fun! 
Soccer season is now over, 
and I'm already counting the months till next year!!! :}

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 76

 My favorite pic of him! :D

Gmans 10th. birthday!!! 
He got a NEW bike from mom and dad,
and an electric drum set from Will and I! :) 
Yeh, i think he was pretty happy!

Day 75

More of Easter with friends and family!

Day 74

Em, after weeks of taking Jelly to the vet and having her on medication,
they finally decided that it was in the best interest of the bunny to put her to sleep.
Thanks so much for the prayers for my friend and her bunny! :}
Jelly <3 We'll always miss her.