Prayer Requests(NEW)

So, I've been thinking about adding this page and seeing how it goes :)
If you have any prayer requests that you would like me to pray for let me know. And I'll be posting them here if it's ok with you.

Here go's :]
Prayer Request #1:
I just wanted to ask prayer for a short-term missions trip that I will be going on tomorrow through Saturday. I will be with about 30-40 other students my age, a couple of adults and the director and his wife. I would just ask that you would pray for safe and easy travels as well as safety while the team is there because it's a pretty rough area so I'm told. Thanks! And I'll be posting about it so you can know how it went when I get back! :D <--(this is me, super excited for tomorrow, the start of a week long of amazingness)
From: Sam(me)


  1. Praying for you my sweet Samantha. So proud of you and your spiritual growth. I love you so much. Mom

  2. Ok, I just now found this page! Oops!
    But this is a good idea!!
    You should keep updating it and stuff!
